We’ll Be Tuning Into This Tuning Meditation
The days of festivals and shows in concert halls may be put on pause for now, but live music is still very much alive and kicking—on fire escapes, stoops, blocks, and patios around the world, and, of course, online. Each Saturday this month, the International Contemporary Ensemble, an artists’ collective with a focus on contemporary classical music, will host a free, interactive performance of “The World-Wide Tuning Meditation,” by the late composer Pauline Oliveros. Led by artists IONE, Claire Chase, and Raquel Acevedo Klein via the video-chat platform Zoom, each performance is open to anyone and all with an online RSVP, and asks that participants join in on the “sound-a-long” meditation—no prior singing or music experience necessary—for a communal, cathartic session of sonic healing across borders. Count us in. 🙏