This App Will Help Get Your Green Thumb Going
The prospect of starting a home garden might conjure some Thoreauvian notion of going “back to the land” or returning to a now-forgotten analog way of living. That doesn’t necessarily need to be the case. To nurture a budding green thumb, there are now more accessible digital and smart-home tools than ever, and we’re obsessed. Two weeks ago in the newsletter, we highlighted the Edn smart garden; another we recommend—an especially aesthetically pleasing option—is the SproutsIO system. There’s also a user-friendly mobile app for this new reality: Made by a team of British developers, Garden Plan Pro offers an update to the classic Farmers’ Almanac, with a detailed glossary of plants and flowers along with their peak seasonal ranges and the ideal plantings to pair them with. A planner allows you to mock up a layout-and-grow schedule into a calendar to visually track your progress. With all sorts of suggestions, from how to best space your plantings, to reminders as to when to harvest and rotate your crops, it’s like the modern farmer’s little black book and SimCity rolled into one. Siri, let’s get gardening.