Meet D.M. Brut, a New Limited-Edition Sparkling Wine from Brazil
Even if you’re not a sommelier or a wino, there are enough champagne memes these days for you to know that the bubbly favorite takes its name from the Champagne region of northeast France—and that any variant produced outside of that region is, strictly speaking, not champagne but sparkling wine. Technicalities aside, there’s no need to get fussy with tradition when there are a bevy of options to be found around the world. Spanish vintners make cava; Italians make prosecco; and now, a new Brazilian winemaker, Dom Maria, has offered its local answer, too, with the recent launch of D.M. Brut, a sparkling wine that’s made in the Champagne method—which is to say, fermented in the bottle itself—but with a “Brazilian touch.” Produced from grapes grown in the Valley of the Vineyards, in Southern Brazil, the 60/40 blend of chardonnay and pinot noir is aged for 12 months, and carries notes of tropical fruit. It also comes in a pleasingly minimalist package sealed with an Obrigado!, making for an apt gift. Sure, Dom Maria’s sparkling wine may not be champagne proper, but we’d happily raise a glass and saúde to a round of this.