Dram Apothecary’s Calming CBD Solution
Daytime drinking is on the up—hey, it’s 5 p.m. somewhere (not that we can keep track of time these days, though the #HandMarkingTime Stories on our @slowdown.tv Instagram at least help us remember which day of the month it is). But if you prefer not to risk getting a hangover, or weakening your immunity, there are other ways to imbibe and unwind without getting tipsy. Indulging in a sparkling drink spiked with adaptogens and a bit of CBD (that’s the calming, relaxing counterpart to marijuana’s THC—it won’t get you high) feels like a sigh of relief in a can. The Colorado-based Dram Apothecary makes a version of the increasingly popular drink in a range of flavors, such as cardamom and black tea, using CBD extracted from organic local hemp. The company also offers botanical bitters (our favorite is Wild Mountain Sage) and switchels, as well as a set of CBD tinctures that you can either drop directly on your tongue, or add to any drink or recipe you like—responsibly, of course.